28/08/18 - 18/09/19 | Week 1 - Week 4
Yeoh Xiao Shi (0331577)
Design Research Methodology


Lecture 1 : Briefing on the module
(Week 1) 28/08/18 

In the first class, Ms Jinchi began the class by giving us a short brief on the module outline and explain what we will be doing in the upcoming weeks. Later on, she gave us a lecture on what is research about. I got to know that research is the study of materials as well as sources in order to establish and reach new conclusions and it is important for us as a student to expands our understanding and knowledge in our academic field. Before the class end, we were told to confirm the field of interest for our proposal with the research problem and research topic as for the presentations in next week class.

Embedded PDF of Week 1 Lecture Slides.

Lecture 2 : Problem Statement, Research Question & Research Objective
(Week 2) 04/09/18 

In this week class, we were taught on problem statement, research question, research objective and hypothesis which will need to include in our research proposal. Ms Jinchi have explained it one by one and examples were also given for us to have a better understanding. From today's lecture, I understood that problem statement is description of a issue that we wanted to address or the condition that could be improved  by stating the research problem clearly. Research objective is about what you want to know and achieve from the research while research question is related to the research objective. Lastly, hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables and it does not have to be correct.

After the lecture, we were asked to present our proposal in front of the class so that both of the lecturers can give the feedbacks

Embedded PDF of Week 2 Lecture Slides.

Lecture 3 : No Lecture (Public Holiday)
(Week 3) 11/09/18 

There was no class this week since it was a public holiday.

Lecture 4 : No Lecture (Consultation for the proposal)
(Week 4) 18/09/18 

We did not have any lecture today. Instead, we were dividing into two groups and having a consultation with both of our lecturers before finalising the proposal.



Week 2 (04/09/18)
In the previous class, we were told to think any topic which related to design and come up with a research topic and research problem. While for this week class, we were require to present on our field of interest which is the area that we wanted to conduct the research as well as to explain why we choose the topic area with some researches to support it. Both of our lecturers have listened to our presentation and give some feedbacks so that we can improve it.

Embedded PDF of Proposal Slides. (First attempt)

Week 3 (11/09/18)
We did not have class this week since it was a public holiday. However, we still had to send our proposal drafts to our lecturers through email with the update of problem statement as well as research question and research objective. Here is my proposal draft below.

Embedded PDF of Proposal Slides. (Second attempt)

Week 4 (18/09/18)
This week will the submission day for our proposal and we were having a short consultation with both of our lecturers before we submitting it. With the feedbacks given, we were given some times to improve our final proposal. So, here is my proposal after editing.

Embedded PDF of Proposal Slides. (Third attempt)

Embedded PDF of Proposal Slides. (Final Outcome)


Week 1 : No Feedback given since it is just the first day of the first.

Week 2 :  The topic I choose is a bit wide, both of the lecturers suggest to narrow it down by focusing on one area. Ms Jinchi also listed out some examples so that I can understand.

Week 3 : Your Research Problem sounds more like a Problem Statement. Your Problem Statement sounds more like a rationale. Check out the notes I've attached here on how to write your Problem Statement. Rework on Problem Statement (your current Research Problem slide) to make it more complete, support your claims with evidence from reading journal articles and/or books, cite in APA style (go to, item E). Focus on a case study, e.g. a type of design output that is currently a success in being environmental friendly. Reword your RQ and RO to match that. (Feedback from Ms.Jinchi via email)

Week 4 : Research topic should be the one that I put in the first slide while the first slide should be the name of the module. Research Problem does not need to be so long, it just need to be more specific from the research topic. I also need to know which are of graphic design I want to conduct research with as it is very wide.
